
Riwayat Hidup

RIWAYAT HIDUP Data Pribadi  Nama                               :Felicia Crystal Chang                    Tempat, Tanggal lahir      : Jakarta , 18 November 2003  Jenis Kelamin                  :Perempuan  Agama                             :Buddha  Alamat                             : Villa Bumi Ciherang, Blok A12  Email                      Latar belakang Pendidikan 2006 - 2009     : TK Kristen Kanaan Cianjur 2009 - 2015     : SD Kristen Kanaan Cianjur 2015 - 2018     : SMP Kristen Kanaan Cianjur Skill dan Keterampilan 1. Berbahasa inggris 2. Memiliki kemampuan untuk berbicara didepan banyak orang Prestasi yang dicapai 1. Menjadi pengurus OSIS (Tahun 2015-2016/2016-2017) 2. Lomba Debat Indonesia (Tahun 2016) 3. Lomba Debat IPS (Tahun 2016 dan 2017) 4. Lomba Story Telling Bahasa Inggris (Tahun 2016 dan 2017) 5. Lomba OSN IPS (Tahun 2017) 6. Lomba Olimpiade Geografi SPECTA (Tahun 2017) 7.

Asam, Basa, dan Garam

a. Asam Asam memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai berikut : 1. Rasanya masam 2. Bersifat korosif 3. Mengubah kertas lakmus biru menjadi merah 4. Bereaksi dengan logam 5. Ph <7 b. Basa Basa memiliki ciri-ciri sebagai berikut : 1. Rasanya pahit 2. Terasa licin di kulit 3. Mengubah lakmus merah menjadi biru 4. Bersifat kaustik (merusak kulit) 5. pH > 7 c. Garam garam terbentuk dari reaksi asam dengan basa. Contoh reaksi netralisasi adalah pengobatan sakit maag (asam lambing dinetralkan dengan obat maag yang merupakan zat basa). Indikator Asam dan Basa indikator asam dan basa adalah bahan atau alat yang dapat memberi warna berbeda saat di celupkan ke dalam suatu larutan. Indikator asam dan basa memiliki banyak macam seperti ; indikator alami, indikator buatan, pH-meter, dan indikator universal. Mari simak penjelasanya 1. Indikator Alami indikator asam dan basa yang terbuat dari ekstrak tumbuhan seperti bunga, daun atau bagian tanaman lainya seperti ekstrak kubis merah,

Top 5 musical movies (my ver)

Hi ! back again (≧∇≦)/ so i have been thinking quite a lot so i decided to make my version of top 5 drama musical films hehehehe (*ΦωΦ*) but this is just my thoughts you guys can check it by your self so yea lets get started.... 1. The Greatest Showman (2017) Inspired by the imagination of P.T. Barnum, The Greatest Showman is an original musical that celebrates the birth of show business & tells of a visionary who rose from nothing to create a spectacle that became a worldwide sensation. In my opinion this movie has good soundtracks, starting from "This Is Me" untill "Rewrite The Stars" it will play in your minds after you heard it. 2. La La Land (2016) Sebastian and Mia are drawn together by their common desire to do what they love. But as success mounts they are faced with decisions that begin to fray the fragile fabric of their love affair, and the dreams they worked so hard to maintain in each other threaten to rip them apart. So this music

Review : Cremia

你好! so today i decided to make a review again 😅. iam not in a mood on science so lets just make a review. I decided to make a review about one of my fav dessert "ICE CREAM" ok iam a big fan of ice cream, i tried many kinds of ice cream but this one stays in my heart❤. So iam going to make a review of  CREMIA  , one of the most delicate ice cream i ever tried... yummmm. So cremia is more like a softcream type, not a gelato or more firm ice cream but it is a very soft and mild texture. Soft cream is known as a soft served ice cream. So its originally came from japan and its very famous there. It has been more than 60 years since it was introduced for the first time, now it became the national dessert loved by all. You cant get this freshly made softcream at home. it is made by milk and vanila based. but there are tons of other variant taste like matcha,etc.  The one that i tasted was milk flavour with dust of matcha powder on top of it. ok i cant

Top 5 Fantasy movies (2016)

Hello long time no see, so today i'll make my list of top 5 fantasy movies at 2016. But this just my choice, you can just tune in and check it out :) Halo lama ga ketemu, jadi hari ini aku bakal ngereview top 5 film fantasy tahun 2016. Tapi ini cuman recommend aku ya kalian boleh coba tune in sendiri :) Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them So the story tells about a british magician or a magizoologist  Newt Scamander that meet with a non-maj (people who use magic) named Jacob Kowalski who dreamed to be a baker. There they meet with Tina Goldstein who is a dark wizard hunter. Make sure you watch their journey together. Warcraft   The homes of humans, Azeroth has been destroyed because of the War, meanwhile the soldiers of Orc was trying to find a new world, cause their home Draenor  was almost been destroyed. Dark Portal is the only portal to the orc's world and the human world. The Huntsman: Winter's War Betrayed by her e

Review : Dalloyau paris

So as i promised i make a non science related blog, so i'll make a blog of review. As you can read at the title its one of the most famous food company or Pastisserie   named Dalloyau . Dalloyau itself has a massive history behind its business. Dalloyau its originaly based in paris france since 1682. Charles Dalloyau the founder of Dalloyau was hired by Louis XIV when he tasted the bread that he made at the reception. For over then four generations the Dalloyau's work at the court. They received a very high and elite title " Officier de Bouche" which is one of the most  the highest French gastronomy distinction at the time.   Now dalloyau became such famous pastisserie that had branches all over. There are six countries that became it branches like Tokyo, Seoul, Hong Kong, Dubai, Doha, Baku, but the center is still in paris. I've visited the Dalloyau that located at Ginza one of the famous shopping district in Tokyo, Because iam not a big fan of shopping i p

Organ-organ pencernaan dan gangguan gangguanya

Organ-organ Pencernaan : 1. Mulut didalam mulut terjadi 2 proses pencernaan, yaitu pencernaan secara mekanis dan pencernaan secara kimiawi. Pencernaan secara mekanis di lakukan oleh gigi dan lidah sedangkan pencernaan kimiawi dibantu dengan enzim ptialin yang berfungsi merombak amilum menjadi maltosa dan glukosa. 2. Kerongkongan Disini makanan disalurkan dari mulut ke lambung dengan gerakan yang dinamakan peristaltik. Gerakan ini bertujuan untuk mendorong makanan menuju lambung. 3. Lambung Didalam lambung pencernaan dibantu oleh 3 enzim, yaitu pepsin yang berfungsi merombak protein menjadi pepton. Renin berfungsi mengendapkan kasein. Asam lambung yang berfungsi untuk membunuh kuman dalam makanan. oleh karena itu pencernaan dilambung tergolong sebagai pencernaan kimiawi. Ada juga gerakan mekanik dalam lambung yaitu gerakan mengaduk-ngaduk makanan. 4. Usus besar Pencernaan disini dibantu oleh enzim yang dihasilkan oleh pankreas dan enzim dari usus itu sendiri yaitu, Amilase y